These are microscopic pests that instill such fear into the human mind that they corrupt the entire idea of an undisturbed night of sleep. Bedbugs are small oval, reddish-brown-colored bugs that live in the cracks of mattresses, furniture, and walls. They come out at night and suck the blood out of human beings. This is why a bed bug inspection is crucial if you suspect an infestation. Chances are you woke up some morning with itchy red bumps and wondered if you had been bitten by a bedbug. In a moment, we are going to talk about what the bites look like and how to get rid of them permanently.
What Do Bedbug Bites Look Like?
Bedbug bites are difficult to spot as they tend to mimic mosquito or flea bites. Below are some telltale signs:
1. Completely unnoticed
Bed bug bites can be tricky to notice because they inject an anesthetic that numbs the area, so you don’t feel a thing. The real creepy part? They stay attached for 3 to 10 minutes, quietly sucking your blood. By the time they’re done, you won’t even know it happened!
2. Waking up with new bites
It’s likely bed bugs, not spiders! These nighttime pests, much like vampires, feed while you sleep. If bites appear overnight, it’s a strong sign of a bed bug problem.
3. Small, Red, and Itchy Bumps
A bite from a bedbug appears as a small raised red mark, accompanied by itchiness. Some people may show acute swelling, some do not react at all from bedbug bites.
4. Bites in a Line or Cluster
Bedbug bites are characterized by their pattern. Appearing on exposed parts of the body during sleep, such as the arms, legs, neck, and face, bites are often in a cluster or a line.
5. Delayed Reaction
Bedbug bites usually take hours or even days to develop, while mosquito bites cause immediate irritation and therefore determine when and where the person was bitten.
6. No Central Puncture Mark
Flea bites typically have a red mark in the middle where the flea bit, but bedbug bites do not. They are more even in appearance.
7. Bites That Keep Appearing
If you awake in the morning only to discover fresh bites, it is to say that your bed or that piece of furniture indeed has bedbugs living there, and they are feeding off you while you are asleep.
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs
It is difficult to get rid of bedbugs, but if you follow the right procedures, you can drive them out of your house. Here’s how:
1. Clean Your Bedding and Clothing Thoroughly
Wash all bedding, clothing, and fabric in hot water (at least 120°F) and dry them on high heat. Bedbugs will not survive extreme heat.
2. Vacuum Everything
Vacuum your bed frame, mattress, carpets, and furniture thoroughly. Throw away the vacuum bag instantly in an enclosed plastic bag.
3. Mattress Cover
Sealing your pillows and mattress in bedbug-proof casings can keep any remaining bugs contained, so they won’t escape or feed.
4. Clutter Reduction
Bedbugs like to reside in crevices, clutter, and furniture. Get rid of the pile-up of stuff and inspect spaces such as behind picture frames, in electrical outlets, and between sofa cushions.
5. Use Steam or Heat Treatment
Steam-cleaning mattresses, upholstered furniture, and baseboards kill or control bedbugs and their eggs, and treatments involving heat above 120°F, such as bed bug heat treatment, are some of the most efficient methods of killing numerous bedbugs.
6. Use Bedbug Sprays or Natural Treatments
There are chemical sprays, but if you would like to have a natural alternative, try:
- Diatomaceous Earth (DE): A natural powder that dehydrates and kills bedbugs.
- Tea Tree Oil & Lavender Spray: A few folks utilize essential oils as a bedbug repellent, but even those might not be enough to kill them fully.
7. Call a Pest Control Professional
In case there’s a widespread infestation, a bed bug control exterminator professional should be called for. They carry out heat methods, chemical spray, and various other sophisticated technologies to eliminate the bedbugs.
How to Prevent Bedbug Infestations
After bedbugs have been eliminated, there shouldn’t be any recurrence of the infestation. Here are ways to make it impossible:
- Check Hotel Rooms & Secondhand Furniture: Bedbugs can travel on secondhand furniture or in hotel suitcases. Always inspect before bringing items home to maintain proper home pest control.
- Maintain a Clutter-Free Home: A clean house minimizes the number of hiding places for bedbugs.
- Seal Cracks & Crevices: Seal any cracks in walls, bed frames, and furniture. Bedbugs love small places to hide.
- Wash Bedding & Vacuum Regularly: Cleaning frequently minimizes the chances of bedbugs invading your home ever again.
- Utilize Bedbug-Proof Covers: ealing your mattress and pillows ensures that there can be no further infestation.
Bedbug bites may be annoying, though knowing how to recognize and preemptively act on them will spare you a full-blown war to eliminate the infestation. In case you have bedbugs in your home, put yourself in motion to attack them immediately by cleaning and vacuuming, including hot steam treatments. For cases that persist, Dixon Pest Control Solutions seems to be the best option to take care of bedbugs within your home.