Imagine basking in the warmer weather with friends and family. Energetic music serenades, while the aroma of freshly grilled goodness beckons you, “Go ahead…have seconds.” Then as dusk arrives, so do uninvited guests. Suddenly your good time outdoors has come to an end. Not the way you planned to say goodbye’s…shooing, slapping, scratching mosquitoes away!

With a name that means “little fly,” mosquitoes have left quite a mark, but it’s not the ones you’d expect. They’ve left a terrible, big mark on your fun time! Though there are 61 mosquito species in South Carolina alone, they seem to all have one goal: Sucking your outdoor time dry of peace and enjoyment. If that’s not enough, these relentless creatures also creep their way into your home…all to further annoy!
But DixonPest has your solution! We’ll mind mosquitos so you won’t have to. You’ll get the most “bang for your buck” with our March Mosquito Maintenance deal. When you purchase 5 mosquito treatments, you’ll receive the 6th treatment on us–FREE.
Mosquitoes are out to leave their mark on your outdoor fun this spring and summer. DixonPest will stop them in their tracks, so they don’t stop you!